More Good News on Jobs

Business Is Booming In The Public Sector

Since the start of the recession, the employment outlook has been grim. But there's one place where the picture is much brighter...the public sector.

According to the non-profit Partnership for Public Service's 2009 projections, the federal government is estimated to hire nearly 273,000 new workers by fall 2012.

Find out which government jobs are growing, and how can you take advantage of these opportunities. ...READ ON ...

Health Care Reform Signals Job Growth

By Tony Moton

The historic Health Care Reform Act is expected to greatly increase the number of people who are covered by health insurance over the next decade.

According to a report released by the Congressional Budget Office, as a result of the bill, some 32 million more non-elderly people will have health insurance by 2019.

With so many newly insured people, the need for health services should grow significantly. And more demand for health services means more demand for trained health professionals. ... READ and CHOOSE ...

In a field currently considered one of the best industries for job growth, this measure can only make it that much better.

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