
Do you ever thought that someday we will have Memories of our beloved ones.
The example here is about someone who looses her mom and got to into a sad feeling again while looking through her belated mom's daily things.

Conversation with friends through online communication:

Ann: to go through Mom's things ~ decide what to donate...not sure I am ready to do it. Didn't expect it to be so danged hard.

mt says (emocticon comforting)

pr : (emocticon comforting) so sorry. Still going through stuff here and there that I've had in storage. It is hard. Everything you come across is a reminder.

Ap says: been there too. I understand and feel for you.

Ann : thank you, I think I am going to have to wait.

sc: loves you and praying! going through things is a difficult trip down memory lane

pr : do what feels right

cg : I've still been putting off a lot of that..and mom's been gone 2 1/2 years... (emocticon comforting)

ri : there's a saying that it's better not to move anything before one year, mostly the house the place that she'd been living in ... not sure where I've heard it. Hope you're fine Ann

Ann : I have things in my basement from when she moved to the nursing home. Then got more after she passed on. Hitting hard today, not sure why

ri : What do you mean by "Hitting hard"?

cg says: be gentle with yourself..

CH : (emocticon comforting) Just take it a little at a time. It's too overwhelming otherwise

An : (to: ri:) I had heard that too. Suggested in grief support group. I'll call my grief sponsor, too. I know it goes in waves. Just caught by

Ap says :do you feel regret about her move to the nursing home?

Ann : surprise! A friend calls it being "hit by a little red truck" that comes out of nowhere and mows you down!Yup, hit by the red truck from behind.
(to Ap :) no, not at all, that was her choice. She was a paraplegic and didn't have the upper body strength to move from wheelchair to bed, etc. She was happy with the decision.
Ann : (to ri:) lots of tears and missing her immensely today

sc says : it will hit at weird times and in weird places! grief knows no boundaries!

st 9says : (emocticon comforting)

Ann : (to sc:) yeah, that's what I hear. It's just so unexpected at times. I'll get through it.

cg says : Ann, maybe today is a day you need to just grieve...and allow yourself that time

Ann : Thank you all!

ri : owww Ann. you shouldn't be alone when you feel it again (emocticon comforting) - do you have somebody with you? if I live nearby, I surely be with you (smile)

Ap says : Ann, Sometime, somewhere in the least expected place-you will miss your mom. It gets easier, but it's still hard.

Ann : (to ri:) thank you so much, no, I live alone, but have a good friend close by.
Family is close, too.

Di : (emocticon comforting)

Di says : we only went throght the things that could be sold or given away....we tried to keep other things in a special place for another time....
Di thinks : it is very difficult
Di : my heart is with you

bb says : Ann - my thoughts and prayers are with you to get through his hard time.

Mr : (emocticon comforting)

De says : (emocticon comforting)

cf says : it does hit out of the blue at times. Some little thing will happen that just sets you off. Just let it out.

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